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Article: Petits-Cadors: The Boater's Comforter for Comfortable Sailing according to Voile Magazine

Petits-Cadors : Le Doudou du Plaisancier pour une Navigation Confortable selon Voile Magazine

Petits-Cadors: The Boater's Comforter for Comfortable Sailing according to Voile Magazine

Are you a sailing enthusiast looking for practical accessories for your boat? Do not look any further ! The perfect cushion to accompany you on your adventures at sea: HØMER . Much more than a simple cushion, “more than a cushion, Homer can become a boater's comfort blanket” , according to Voile Magazine, which was able to test it directly at sea.

Triangular, ergonomic, and versatile, it adapts to all the specificities of the cockpit and deck hatches. It was able to be tested during an inaugural sailing of the Super Arlequin , and the verdict is clear: it is a must-have for any sailor looking for comfort.

Comfort adapted to all situations:

The secret of HØMER lies in its ingenious design . With its “ triangular and ergonomic shape, it adapts perfectly to all the imperfections of the cockpit, whether protruding or recessed angles or even non-flush surfaces which could hinder your pleasure at sea." During the three days test on the Super Harlequin, HØMER proved to be a faithful and comfortable companion.

It allowed the helmsman to brace his back ”, thus allowing him to maintain an ideal posture throughout the navigation. “ It offered its softness to the crew's seat posted between the peak hood and the aft balcony ”, for greater relaxation and comfort. Even in the watch berth, it served as a pillow, ensuring restful sleep for the crew .

Versatility and practicality available:

In addition to its undeniable comfort, HØMER is full of features that make it an essential accessory on board. “ Its 80 cm Dynalight lifeline equipped with a stainless steel carabiner allows the cushion to be secured on deck ”, thus avoiding any risk of falling in the event of rough seas. In addition, the eyelets and the halyard ball present on the cushion offer the possibility of combining it with other examples, thus creating an even larger relaxation space to fully enjoy moments of well-deserved rest.

here is the magazine testing the HOMER boat cushion

An eco-responsible product:

In addition to all these advantages, HØMER is part of an eco-responsible approach which deserves to be highlighted. Made by hand, its “ fabric is robust and the filling is thick ”, and its recycled plastic fiber is collected from rivers before it reaches the oceans. An initiative that contributes to the preservation of our environment while offering a quality product.

If you are looking for a versatile, ergonomic, and eco-responsible cushion for your boat, this cushion is for you! Voile Magazine, the reference magazine for sailors, was won over by its comfort, its adaptability to all situations, as well as its many practical features.
So, don't sacrifice your comfort at sea and opt for this “boater's comfort blanket” which will quickly become your best ally during your sailing trips.

Good winds and good sailing in comfort!

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