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Article: Our nap pillows: the original gift idea for Father's and Mother's Day

Nos oreillers de sieste : l’idée cadeau originale pour la fête des pères et des mères
Idées cadeaux

Our nap pillows: the original gift idea for Father's and Mother's Day

Selected by in the best gift ideas for Mother's Day

An original gift for mothers

First Mother’s Day for the Petits Cadors! After only a few months of existence, we were very happy to send Salvador and Téodor nap pillows to your mothers.

Téodor Kourou the jungle nap pillow was selected by current woman among its best gift ideas for Mother's Day 2019.

It’s true that this colorful model was one of our best sellers and did not stay long in the eshop

Next, Oh My Mag puts our nap pillow in the spotlight!

An original gift idea for Father's Day

And it's true, I admit, it's sometimes difficult to find an original gift idea for gentlemen... I think you know this problem!

But this year Oh My Mag has given you an idea that is different from the ordinary, a gift that he never received, a pillow to take a nap in all circumstances! Whether in the office, at home, or even in a lounge chair, with this designer nap pillow, it is sure that those who ordered it found a thoughtful gift for their dad.

And the magazine was not wrong, this Abidja na model is also one of our spring best sellers and is already out of stock. As for those who wonder why this swallow pattern is named like this, it is in homage to these little birds which cross the Mediterranean to valiantly reach the African coast and spend the winter in warmth.

We have some surprises in store for you next year!

With new models under study and prototyping, be sure that next spring we will have other original and clever gift ideas to please those who are dear to you.

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