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Idées cadeaux

During this period of preparation for Christmas, one site in particular caught our attention:

We've all experienced awkward moments when opening gifts and receiving something that we don't really like or that duplicates another gift. Beyond simple disappointment, it is also a problem which points to a faulty mode of consumption. It is based on this observation that two friends, Audrey & Maxime, want to reconsider our way of offering by inventing Boonjy .

The basic principle of Boonjy is the online Christmas list . Instead of calling your Santas to submit your gift ideas, you create your list on Boonjy and give them access to this list. For you, it's the assurance of receiving what you wanted and for them, the assurance of making you happy :-)

But what we really liked about Boonjy is that the site offers gift ideas with a clearly made in France and eco-responsible bias.


As an extension of the idea of ​​responsible consumption and reduction of waste, we found this idea very relevant!

And Boonjy also goes even further on the problem of overconsumption. In fact, you can also add second-hand gifts to your wishlist. As it is you who takes the step of making this choice, the person who offers it to you will be uninhibited and will please you without embarrassment.

Beyond the basic principles, the designers of the site have thought of small features which make the quality of the application: The “reserve a wish” function for example which allows you to indicate your intention to offer one of the gifts of the list to inform everyone except the recipient in order to preserve the element of surprise. Or the “anonymous questions” functionality which allows the person who wants to offer to ask the interested party a question, for example to clarify a choice of reason, without being unmasked.

Because sometimes a little attention is better than an embarrassing surprise, as you will have understood, Boonjy is the ideal site for all those who want to avoid duplicate gifts, casting errors and above all build a more responsible Christmas together!

We are happy to support Audrey and Maxime in this adventure by allowing Boonjy users to add Petits Cadors to their gift lists :-)

The website:

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