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L'importance du recyclage : un engagement pour la planète
Démarche éco-responsable

The importance of recycling: a commitment to the planet

Why is recycling so important? Recycling goes beyond a simple ecological habit, it is vital to protect our planet.

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Comment le plastique est-il trié en centre de tri ?
Démarche éco-responsable

How is plastic sorted in a sorting center?

According to National Geographic, 91% of plastic waste is not recycled...

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Voyager de manière éco-responsable : Alternatives pour se dépayser tout en respectant la planète
Démarche éco-responsable

Traveling eco-responsibly: Alternatives to get away from it all while respecting the planet

It is entirely possible to travel while respecting the planet, by limiting your plane travel and opting for more sustainable alternatives.

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7 gestes simples pour abandonner le plastique au quotidien
Démarche éco-responsable

7 simple steps to give up plastic on a daily basis

A few simple actions to integrate into everyday life to help reduce the use of plastic.

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Série limitée 🌞 Collab' estivale PETITS CADORS x ÔBABA
Démarche éco-responsable

Limited series 🌞 Summer collab' PETITS CADORS x ÔBABA

A collaboration was obvious, why? Because we share common values, such as: limiting our impact, favoring respectful manufacturing methods, limiting our waste, favoring materials manufactured in goo...

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Le Surcyclage, qu'èsaquo ?
Démarche éco-responsable

Upcycling, what's that?

Upcycling or recycling ♻️ What is the difference? It’s easy, we tell you everything!

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19 février : journée de la protection et la défense des baleines
Démarche éco-responsable

February 19: Whale Protection and Defense Day

We, the whales, love them 🐳 And to protect the oceans, over the past 2 years we have used 231,214 plastic bottles which did not end their lives in the ocean, but made 35,000 Petits Cadors cushions ...

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Happy Birthday l'atelier🎂

Happy Birthday the workshop🎂

It's been two years since the Petits Cadors have been based in Nailloux in an eco-responsible building!

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Quelques idées simples pour un Noël plus responsable
Démarche éco-responsable

Some simple ideas for a more responsible Christmas

Furoshiki gift wrapping and natural decoration: zero waste ideas for Christmas

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🌟Collection capsule⁠ spéciale fêtes de fin d'année🌟
Démarche éco-responsable

🌟Special end-of-year holiday capsule collection🌟

Chic, shiny, high-end: this will undeniably be the best-selling holiday cushion!

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🐳 Journée de la mer 🚫 Arrêt des sacs en plastique
Démarche éco-responsable

🐳 Sea Day 🚫 Stop plastic bags

We are taking a new step which is part of our CSR approach : we have (finally) found an alternative to the plastic bag to package our cushions. From today, make way for incredible paper bags!

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Que fait Petits Cadors pour limiter ses déchets et son impact sur la planète ?
Démarche éco-responsable

What does Petits Cadors do to limit its waste and its impact on the planet?

Today is the world clean up day , or better known as " world clean up day ". It seemed necessary to us to tell you about our daily actions which contribute to the preservation of our planet, by pro...

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🌿 Déclinaison Bio autour d'un motif exclusif !
Démarche éco-responsable

🌿 Organic variation around an exclusive pattern!

Our designer patterns, printed on organic fabric: 100% eco-responsible and Made In France! We tell you everything about this pattern exclusive to the brand.

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Le mois de MAI à l'atelier 🌼
Démarche éco-responsable

The month of MAY at the workshop 🌼

Between hot tea and a friendly lunch in the sun, the whole team works on prototyping, making and preparing nomadic cushions to offer you maximum comfort.

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Les irrésistibles mini berlingots 😍
Démarche éco-responsable

The irresistible mini cartons 😍

We received a flood of messages after a story showing our adorable mini cartons 😍 Here they are finally available on the site!

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