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Article: 🐳 Sea Day 🚫 Stop plastic bags

🐳 Journée de la mer 🚫 Arrêt des sacs en plastique

🐳 Sea Day 🚫 Stop plastic bags

Today, September 30, is World Maritime Day.

The perfect day to announce that we have (finally) found an alternative to plastic bags to package our cushions. From today, make way for incredible paper bags!

As you know, we are already invested in cleaning up oceans by using a filling fiber made from plastic collected from waterways. 80% of sea pollution comes from plastics transported by rivers . Since January 2021, we have consumed more than 5 tonnes of recycled plastic, the equivalent of more than 200,000 bottles that will not have ended up at the bottom of the oceans. We prefer plastic as a soft fiber in our cushions than among fish.

Paper bags

But we had a problem related to protecting our cushions during shipping. Even though we had tested and chosen the thinnest plastic bags possible, we unfortunately had not found an alternative.

This is a tricky problem for two reasons: we want your cushion to arrive at your home in good condition and we need to be able to see the product through its packaging to avoid, among other things, order preparation errors.

After more than a year of research, it was through a chance discussion at the Maison & Objet show that we found the solution! The Vela brand based in Germany and Italy makes strong, slightly translucent paper bags that are perfect for shipping textile products!

Packaging a car cushion

We are very proud to announce that from today, all our cushions are packaged in these paper bags, made from wood extracted from sustainably managed forests and 100% recyclable.

With these new bags, we are finally going further than simply abandoning plastic . As they are FSC certified, it is also a way of contributing to the preservation of forests which provide habitat for wildlife, prevent soil erosion and mitigate the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. .

SALVADOR New York packaged in a recyclable paper bag

Of course, these paper bags are much more expensive than plastic bags but for us, environmental protection is priceless and we all know that it is urgent to collectively make the effort to move towards more virtuous practices.

We are very happy to take this new step which is part of our CSR approach and gives you access to products whose impact on the planet is increasingly lower every day.

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