Les Petits Interviews is an opportunity for you to get to know us a little better. And for us to be able to talk about issues that are important to us, or simply to have a relaxed moment!
And today we are going to start simply with….
_ Were you impressed in front of the camera or rather comfortable?
Quite comfortable! When there are lots of cameras we don't know exactly what they are filming so we don't pay attention to it.
_ Among the 6 experts you met (those from M6 and those from Cdsicount), who were the nicest?
Those from M6: Emmanuelle, Erika and Jérôme! They were funny, it was fun. With the Cdiscount experts it was more “in the work”, they asked a lot of specific questions, they were serious… too serious in fact! 😊
_And the one that seemed the most impressive to you?
… Emmanuelle from Cdiscount. I had the impression that she only pointed out the negative points of our invention
_ Just before opening the briefcase, did you suspect that there would be a contract and that you had won?
I thought we had lost because just before the big brand's experts had made a list of all our weak points. The atmosphere was super serious.
_Did it make you want to participate in other competitions?
Yes it was funny, and seeing yourself on TV is great.
_ And are you more popular at school thanks to the show and do people still talk to you about it?
Oh yes ! Sometimes students I don't know come and talk to me about it
– Would you like to tell us what your favorite fabric is in the collection that will arrive soon?
An Isidor model with emojis!!! 👍😍 🌈