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Article: 🚨 A little look back at our participation in the Made In France Show in Paris

🚨 Petit retour sur notre participation au Salon du Made In France à Paris

🚨 A little look back at our participation in the Made In France Show in Paris

First participation and an undeniable conclusion: A successful experience ✅

The Mif Expo is much more than a show. It is a human adventure, full of innovations, as well as an incentive for better consumption. It is also a strong moment between creators and consumers united by the same values, aware of the issues at stake.

2 weeks ago we were at the Made In France show.

A great pride for us to have participated in this show which highlights beautiful French know-how! It was 4 intense days for us but 4 days of a rich experience! Now that we have come down from our little cloud, we wanted to give you a recap.

👉 See the summary in pictures (Youtube Petits Cadors)

Our best moments from MIF 2022

Great encounters,... and head full of projects 🤫 and of course unwavering motivation to continue!

Taking the time to explain our concept, having you test our cushions and receiving live feedback with opinions , congratulations on our work and suggestions, this is enough to give us a real boost! 🙏🏻

Thank you to the 100,000 visitors , thank you for coming in such numbers 😱 and congratulations to the 1015 wonderful companies who represented the 10th edition of the Show ! The years go by and the show, which grows every year, is a gold mine for discovering new brands involved in French production and therefore, in the creation of local jobs .

It was precisely the ideal opportunity to discover and exchange with other entrepreneurs: Loulenn , Clinit , Eggstra , 1083 , Lamazouna , Bini , Daan Tech , Payote , Gorilla Tribe , etc.

We shared friendly moments on the Occitanie Region stand and the Ad'occ team around breakfast, before the doors opened. A way to exchange with other exhibitors and share gourmet moments around delicious chouquettes.

Also, thank you,
To all these new people who discovered our brand during the show.
To all those who took the plunge after spotting us on the networks.
To all those who have pleased themselves or others.
To all those who already knew us and who came to compliment us.
To the shops which are our points of sale and who came to say hello to us.

Memories full of memories... Now, time for the festivities! We will roll up our sleeves to prepare the last stocks for your Christmas gifts... 🎅

Next year we plan to present a more fun stand. So… we say, see you soon?

Petits Cadors exhibiting at the Made In France show

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