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Article: 2022 gift ideas for flower lovers

Idées cadeaux 2022 pour les amoureux·ses de fleurs
Idées cadeaux

2022 gift ideas for flower lovers

What to give to someone passionate about flowers?

We offer you a sustainable idea. Offering a classic bouquet that will fade in a few days is good, but offering a Petits Cadors flower cushion is better! No maintenance!

ISIDOR, our car cushions with flower patterns

No more stiff necks and insomnia! Winner of the Lépine competition in 2019, ISIDOR is our flagship cushion. Design object, unique and useful. It becomes the ideal gift!

Here is our selection of organic fabric car cushions :

Heading to the United States for a more than grandiose festival with ISIDOR Woodstock , we were inspired by this event to call it that. Dressed in yellow, decorated with large flowers in a hippie style, it will put you in a good mood for the day! It is well known that yellow is a living color, which represents cheerfulness and tone.
ISIDOR Surrey , on its softly colored fabric, we can detect palm trees, dahlias and even roses. Perhaps your loved ones' favorite flower is hidden in this flower garden?
Colorful, Rotterdam reveals a field of flowers. On a dark background, it is easier to match than others.


👉 Find here all our flower patterns to sleep comfortably in the car!

ELLIPSE, the 2 in 1 travel cushion

It will accompany you on all public transport. Plane, bus, train, it will become your best friend. And wrapped in flowers, it's even better! Its integrated headband will cover your eyelids. One of your favorites: ELLIPSE Narita, decorated with little cherry blossoms on a beautiful icy blue background (icy... Did you know? The cold helps us sleep better... I think it's a sign!).
Petits Cadors has thought of everything! We guarantee you cervical support, softness, lightness and space-saving thanks to its carabiner which allows you to directly attach the cushion to the travel bag. Selected by the Selectos comparator among the best travel cushions . A truly relaxing gift!

flowery travel cushion made in France

SALVADOR, everyday comfort

What if you offered a gift made in France for all everyday moments?

Bohemian, feminine, warm. No need to say more to think of SALVADOR Warsaw ! Very girly with its different shades of pink, placed on the sofa, at the sight of it, it will brighten up your days! It is the gift that will be used every day.
The SALVADOR Luchon cushion , in its pure blue reminiscent of our grandmothers' aprons, it has a little vintage look! A comforting and colorful gift idea.
If I said “tulip” to you, which city would come to mind? We think of Amsterdam ! I hope that one day everyone will have the chance to see these endless fields of flowers, so picturesque... Fairly structured pattern, for people who are a bit square, it would be perfect!
The SALVADOR Iguaçu neck cushion is a cushion with a jungle pattern , it evokes wild and lush regions.

neck cushion

MINI SALVADOR, the comfort blanket for quiet times for 3 to 8 year olds

Want a decorative gift to offer a cozy universe to our loves, MINI SALVADOR will guarantee gentle sleep breaks between two bursts of laughter.
One of our favorites: the “Sienne” pattern , in autumnal colors, which has large abstract flowers, very modern to guarantee a decoration at the forefront of trends!

mini salvador organic cushion

Want to place some green products at the foot of the tree? Our cushions are filled with plastic fiber from the recycling of plastic bottles collected from waterways in order to protect the oceans.
It's not always easy to find THE right gift idea. The originality of these products will surprise your loved ones!

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