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Article: When traveling or at the office, these nomadic pillows made in France pamper your neck

En voyage ou au bureau, ces oreillers nomades et made in France bichonnent vos cervicales

When traveling or at the office, these nomadic pillows made in France pamper your neck

Positivr , an optimistic look

In all media, the news has never been so pessimistic about the state of the world and the rapid degradation of the environment. But there are initiatives which have the merit of taking a more optimistic look at the situation and especially our ability to react and change our ways of producing and consuming.

This is the vocation of the formidable Positivr site which brings together the good news from the world and the initiatives across borders which can give us hope and energy to envisage a more serene and less anxiety-provoking future than the general prevailing discourse.

“Freedom of choice drives us and we made strong decisions from the start”

It is because we place ourselves on the side of the glass half full that we created Petits Cadors and that our company has become for us a strong way of becoming agents of change. Manufacturing locally , creating jobs, using as many recycled materials as possible are the foundations of our history and we are proud of the progress we have made.

Little Cadors - Laurent and Muriel

We are convinced that it is the sum of initiatives like ours, almost everywhere in France and around the world, which can make it possible to envisage a better future for us and for our children.

We told our story to Positivr who transcribed it in a beautiful article:

You have probably already bought a “U” shaped cushion to rest on during your long journeys or impromptu breaks. But – let’s be honest – have you actually managed to get any sleep? It was precisely by observing this lack of comfort that Muriel and Laurent, parents of two children and design enthusiasts, had an idea. Thus was born Petits Cadors, a brand of nomadic and eco-responsible pillows 100% made in France so you can (finally) rest in all circumstances. Interview.

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