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Article: For Valentine's Day, we are launching our duo pillow!

Pour la St Valentin, nous lançons notre oreiller duo !
Idées cadeaux

For Valentine's Day, we are launching our duo pillow!

Z, the tandem pillow

We have created a new tandem pillow for you to whisper words of love!

And it is on the occasion of Valentine's Day that this pillow for two people was born. Perfect, right?

Looking at the clouds lying in the grass, by the fireplace on a soft carpet, Z is the ideal companion:

– for lovers,
– best friends,
– parent/child confidences,
– bucolic flirtations…

Z is the zig zag pillow that will quickly make you crazy!

Why did we name it Z?

Because it is in the shape of a zig-zag, made up of 3 cartons, and with it you go Z…Z…Z!

We've been thinking about this pillow for a long time at Petits Cadors! This is what we would have liked to have this summer for our moments of relaxation and family picnics: a duo pillow! We love using it on Sundays lying on the rug near the fireplace!

When to use it?

Z is perfect for Valentine's Day, it's a lovers' cushion.

It is an ideal gift for Valentine's Day , an object that promises sweet moments for two. Tenderness, secrets, declaration of love, being side by side and not face to face, exchanges, conversations , gestures are different. This is the subject of confidences!

Z for parent/child secrets

It is also the ideal object to spend a special moment with your teenager and take the opportunity to tell each other all the secrets while watching the clouds pass by. It is easier to confide in these conditions!

Z for great moments with friends!

An afternoon with your best friend is the time to tell each other all the latest gossip, the latest meetings, the fed ups, the latest laughs.

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