Integrate naps into your daily life in 5 days: a practical guide - DAY 1
D1 - My first Flash nap
That's it, it's day 1 of your flash nap experiment. First of all, thank you and congratulations for embarking on the adventure with us. Throughout this experience, don't forget the most important thing: it's for your well-being !
Don't forget either that napping only has benefits (concentration, productivity, creativity, etc.) and we'll talk about that again.
Here are our tips for this first session:
-Plan your break time in the morning. A short time after lunch for example.
-Also plan to put yourself in a quiet place (isolated office, rest room, car, etc.) where you will not be disturbed.
-Don't forget to take your phone with you and choose a duration for your flash nap (between 5 and 20 minutes maximum).
-Program your phone's alarm for the duration you have chosen and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Don't forget to put your phone in airplane mode.
- Close your eyes and concentrate on the fact that you want to relax the muscles throughout your body as much as possible.
-If you are overwhelmed by thoughts (work, children, meetings, etc.) come back to your body and relax each muscle.
-When your phone's alarm rings, give yourself a few seconds for a gentle survey.
Didn't manage to fall asleep for this first session? No matter! It's even quite normal, your brain and your body are not used to this daytime rest! The main thing is to have given yourself this moment for yourself , to have closed your eyes and relaxed your body. See you tomorrow for a second session!
Did you know ?
We tend to forget it, but rest is an essential need, just like eating or drinking. Moreover, scientists agree that the maximum duration without sleep for an organism is only 72 hours
All our advice for integrating the benefits of a nap into your daily life:
Day 1 - Start of the flash nap adventure
Day 2 – Finding the perfect timing for your flash nap
Day 3 – Create an ideal cocoon for your flash nap