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Intégrez la sieste dans votre quotidien en 5 jours : un guide pratique - JOUR 3

Integrate naps into your daily life in 5 days: a practical guide - DAY 3

J3 - Create an environment conducive to sleep

Today, let's focus on the environment. Find a quiet , dark place, if possible. Use an eye mask or close the curtains to block out the light. If noise bothers you, try using earplugs . If you like music, why not use your earbuds with a suitable playlist . Creating a comfortable space is really essential to benefit from a short restorative nap .

For this third session, here are our tips:

If you had trouble emerging from your flash nap yesterday, reduce the length of your nap.
If you're planning a 10-minute break, feel free to schedule 12 on your phone's timer . This will give you 2 minutes to get comfortable and start to relax without feeling rushed because the timer is ticking!
When you have concentrated enough on your muscle relaxation (especially the shoulders and arms), do another experiment: imagine that you are in an oar on a very calm lake and that you are gliding through the water effortlessly.
If this first image doesn't speak to you, you can also imagine that you are in a black velvet hammock in a dark room.
Did the visualization exercises in this third session help you?
If so, remember that your mind (which often contributes to disturbing you) can help you rest!

Did you know ?

In 2015, NASA announced that with a 20-minute midday nap, productivity would be boosted by +35% in the afternoon. Companies have understood this well, and are becoming more and more interested in it. Of course, this personal benefit must be taken into account, but the collective benefit is also notable since these micro breaks would bring calm and better behavior towards others . Enough to create a good atmosphere in the primary environment of our daily life.

All our advice for integrating the benefits of a nap into your daily life:

Day 1 - Start of the flash nap adventure

Day 2 – Finding the perfect timing for your flash nap

Day 3 – Create an ideal cocoon for your flash nap

Day 4 - Master breathing and relaxation for an optimal nap

Day 5 - Take a moment just for you

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