The made in France website
Like us, are you aware of the urgency of manufacturing the products we consume locally to drastically reduce their carbon footprint and create jobs? But how do we know, on a daily basis, if the product we need is made in France and who sells it?
It is to answer these questions that thesitedumadeinfrance was born!
The mission of this new search engine is simple: to help you find, simply and efficiently, Made in France products for each of your desires.
The site already lists more than 40,000 products offered by more than 600 brands in areas as varied as clothing, accessories, toys, bedding, household appliances and decoration! An impressive showcase which proves the diversity of French manufacturers and which shows, more than ever, that it is possible to consume made in France on a daily basis.

A support approach for manufacturers
The site's approach is atypical and shows a real desire to highlight and defend made in France. Lesitedumadeinfrance does not sell products directly or on a marketplace. For these creators, the goal is to pool distribution and marketing efforts so that this benefits all Made in France players. So when you find a product that interests you on sitedumadeinfrance , you are directly redirected to the manufacturer's site and you buy directly . It's transparent and you avoid intermediaries with all the problems that this can sometimes generate!
A strong commitment
We strongly encourage you to discover this veritable mine of products made in France and discover the strong commitment of these creators. We also invite you to read their pages explaining in a clear and implacable manner the advantages of consuming made in France . Precise explanations which show with force and relevance that consuming local is a civic act with multiple positive effects on our environment and our everyday life. Enough to be knowledgeable about made in France and have all the arguments to defend this mode of consumption!
Whether for your daily purchases or more exceptional occasions like birthdays, adopt the lesitedumadeinfrance reflex!