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Article: Other brands we love!

D'autres marques que nous aimons !

Other brands we love!

As manufacturers "made in France", we are always on the lookout for brands that are part of this same dynamic and share the same values ​​as us. Because it's Christmas and it seems important to us to take advantage of the holidays to make ethical and responsible purchases that have a reduced impact on our environment and create jobs, we have decided to share with you brands that we have tested and... totally approved!


We met Xavier three years ago at the Christmas market on Place du Capitole in Toulouse. Since we discovered and tested its soaps, we can no longer do without it! Ultra healthy soaps, delicately scented and that don't melt after the first shower. Happiness ! 🧼

Xavier soap


Still in the field of cosmetics, our favorite deodorant by far! Zero waste, ORGANIC, 100% natural and above all ultra effective! Forget all the deodorants you've tried so far. This one is simply magical. Whether you are sporty or not, you will never again have an unpleasant smell of sweat while using a certified and healthy product! ❤️

The Wild Children


To complete the collection, how about the first zero waste paste toothpaste that really foams. With its fine texture of white clay and its fresh scent of mint or red fruits, it has become our family toothpaste in just a few days and for over a year and a half already. Even children love it. Endro also offers other products but which we have not yet tested. Will you tell us? 🌿

Endro Cosmetics


Andrée Jardin is a brand that has perpetuated the know-how of the French brush industry for 70 years, while bringing a touch of modernity. Made in France in the old-fashioned way and of high quality for this company which is labeled “Living Heritage Company”. Their products are beautiful and functional. What more can I say, we love it and we fight to pass the broom! 🧹

Andrée Jardin


Another big favorite for us, this time in the field of shoes. Jules et Jenn is a brand based in Tarn and which boasts responsible and accessible production. Their creations are made in France and Portugal. A brand that goes against disposable fashion and creates beautiful creations that you will keep for a long time! Tested and approved ! 👞

Jules & Jenn


One step aside and here we are in the sublime world of leather goods with Bleu de Chauffe. Bags and satchels made by hand from bio-sourced and eco-responsible materials in a workshop located in the heart of Aveyron. The little extra that makes them different is creating bags inspired by business bags. Products that defy time and fashion! Gorgeous ! 👜

Heating Blue


We couldn't finish this list without Zeste, the French stainless steel water bottle. She accompanies us to the office every day. Thanks to it, no more plastic bottles and the satisfaction of having fresh water in summer and always hot coffee in winter. Even greater satisfaction thinking that it is 100% made in France. Cock-a-doodle Doo ! 🐓


We hope that this small selection will be useful for you to make your Christmas gifts and we tell you again, it's tested/approved, you can go with your eyes closed! 😸

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