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Article: Securange's feedback on the Isidor car cushion

Retour d'expérience de Securange sur le coussin de voiture Isidor

Securange's feedback on the Isidor car cushion

We recently had the honor of receiving user feedback from Securange , a reference site for car safety, followed by more than 20,000 people on Instagram . Their opinion on our Isidor car cushion, designed and manufactured in France , after more than a year of use, is very positive!

What they think:

" I am delighted, for teenagers old enough to no longer have a seat and adults it is really a good way to travel comfortably while keeping the belt well placed for safety. You have to adjust the length well for good support of the head. It is without risk for the belt because it does not get in its way. The cushion attaches with a click on the bars of the headrest. My eldest can finally sleep properly in the car and I really want to get the same one for myself. "

This testimonial highlights not only the comfort offered by our cushion, but also its practical and safety side. It is essential to adjust the length correctly for optimal support of the head, and above all, our product does not interfere with the proper functioning of the seat belt .

Price and accessibility:

With a budget of €44 , the Isidor cushion is an ideal solution for teenagers and adults who want to travel comfortably while ensuring their safety .

NB: This product was sent to Securange for testing, but their post was not sponsored.

Thanks again to for this feedback 🙏

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