GRAOUUUU! A monstrously fun competition!
Another great collaboration to discover between Maison Georges & Little Cadors !
Maison Georges is an independent publishing house which creates incredibly beautiful magazines and books for children , without stereotypes. Obviously, at Petits Cadors, we are sensitive to graphics, so we can only adore the aesthetics of all the works of Maison Georges!
It is with great enthusiasm that we have put together 2 kits:
A monstrously fun kit for 3-7 year olds
Composed of a Mini Salvador Monstropolis in organic fabric ideal for quiet time + 2 mags + a tote bag
A kit incredibly exotic for 7-12 year olds
Composed of a Salvador Yokohama made from Japanese fabric + 1 mag + 1 sublime book on Japan
Meeting on our INSTAGRAM page to try your luck until May 22 and tell us which kit you dream of receiving! Good luck!